Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter Ten

1.     What are your earliest recollections of books? Do you read for pleasure? If yes, what kinds of books do you enjoy? Why?
My earliest recollections of books are probably picture books and the bible. My mom would buy tons of colorful books for me to look at and make up stories with, and then I was introduced to the bible at a very young age through church as well as my family. I really love reading for pleasure now that I am an adult. I read lots of biographies because I find it interesting to learn about people and I also love reading nonfiction pieces that I can get lost in and really just escape from reality through. I loved the Harry Potter series, but that is probably as “science fiction” as I enjoy getting into. I would much rather read romance novels or stories about everyday life that I can find myself relating to. Any book that paints a picture and allows me to imagine in happening as I am reading is a book that I would probably read.

2.     Imagine that you are on a committee that oversees book choices for a high school library in your town. What policies do you think should guide the committee’s selection of controversial books?
I am a very liberal person and I am very much against censorship, however, when it comes to impressionable kids I feel like it’s important to be careful when presenting them with literature that many would deem “questionable”. As far as the policy goes, I would suggest that no book be banned unless the book was intentionally written to cause disruption among its readers. That being said, books with excessive profanity, sexual dialogue or inappropriate content that aren’t necessary to the overall point of the book should not be given to children without consent of their parent or teacher. But, the first amendment protects these books and I believe that it is more dangerous to shelter children form the majority of “banned” books than it is to present them with it.

3.     Would you read a book on an iPod or a Kindle? Why or why not?
I have read books off of a kindle before and I think they’re great. I wouldn’t read them off of an iPod though because I think that it’s way too small. I think the Kindle offers the most realistic “book” interface because the screen looks just like a book and the turning of the pages looks real, even if it’s just electronic. I don’t think that I would ever replace reading a book with reading from an iPod or Kindle because I really love the whole reading experience that begins with picking a book off of a shelf and ends with turning the final page. I feel that reading is a really big way to de-stress and take a break from the technology that seems to be taking over our lives and to replace a book with more technology seems very silly to me. The kindle offers a lot; a library at your fingertips and the ability to travel with books without lugging around pounds of paper, however, I don’t think I’ll ever trade my beloved hardbacks for the simplicity of the kindle.

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